Relocation News Paris France


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18 of June 2020

The national deconfinement protocol explained to expatriates coming to France

Since the Coronavirus crisis, the world is experiencing an unprecedented situation with a major change in health protocol.

Indeed, and even more so since the lockdown, companies taking over an activity must ensure the health and safety of their employees.

This is not necessarily obvious for expatriates who may have different rules depending on their country. Indeed, about the wearing of masks, social distancing or even the opening of borders, each country has different particularities to deal with the Coronavirus crisis.

On top of that it is a real challenge for them to understand the forms and instructions put in place. Management Mobility Consulting offers web conferences in English to explain all this to them and to answer their questions that may be useful and help them in their relocation.

Regarding the protocol in France and in order to be able to define strict rules, the government has set up a national deconfinement protocol with "practical file" so that companies can have a procedure to follow from May 11th.

In these files, many points are defined, some of which are specific to each sector, but most of them have a framework applicable to all in order to ensure consistency at all levels.

In this protocol there are 7 distinct parts.

Among them are recommendations for use such as washing hands with soap or the use of hydroalcoholic gel, physical distance of one meter and the wearing of a mask.

But other points are also addressed, such as the number of people to be managed according to the number of m² in an establishment, with a minimum rule of 4m² per person. A possibility of rotating employees in terms of hours between morning and afternoon is also recommended, as well as the continuity of teleworking.

Traffic plans according to sectors or floor markings can also be requested.

In addition to all this, cleaning within the companies is of course required. A framework for daily cleaning and ventilation of the premises is explained in detail in the protocol.

In order to guide employees through the disinfection process, it is important to inform them of the system set up by the company to decontaminate the premises.

This serves not only to protect them, but also to reassure them.

The document also sets out the screening tests, the protocol for taking care of a symptomatic person and their close contacts, as well as taking temperatures.

All this information provides a coherent and common vision for the entire world of work to manage this health crisis.

Management Mobility Consulting is at your disposal to support you and your assignees in the best possible way in these challenging times.

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