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3 of October 2019

Singapore: An Asian Country of Choice for Expatriates

Zoom again on the Expat Insider’s study with Singapore which is a highly acclaimed destination by expatriates and which ranks 4th place! Why is this small island so attractive?

Singapore, the country of transport and infrastructure

Since 2015, Singapore has placed itself in the top destinations for the Travel & Transport category of the study. It is indeed very easy to travel in many countries of Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia ...) from Singapore thanks to its very good infrastructure, including its international airport.

74% of expatriates are very satisfied with this Singapore advantage.

Examples of expat testimonials:

• Expatriate Chinese: "Great location for a weekend getaway to nearby countries"

• Expatriate German: "It's easy to get around Singapore"

Singapore, a safe country

Unlike many Asian countries, such as Thailand or Indonesia, Singapore is defined as a destination with total security. The country is therefore defined as a destination of choice to discover a new culture while working and feeling safe!

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